
waterborne diseases prevention.

Understanding Environmental Health in Totality

Now that you have understood the impact of environmental factors on human health, create a 7- to 10- page Microsoft Word document addressing the following questions:

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waterborne diseases prevention.
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  • Describe three waterborne diseases and suggest methods for their prevention.
  • Provide one example of a toxic chemical that may enter the public water supply? Describe some of the health effects that are attributed to toxic chemicals present in drinking water.
  • What health hazards are associated with uncontrolled and older waste sites in the United States? Describe the processes through which hazardous solid wastes can affect human beings.
  • Compare and contrast the current methods for treating sewage from those that were used in the Middle Ages? Historically speaking, what factors spurred the development of today’s sanitary sewage systems?
  • Describe the stages for processing sewage. At what stage of processing is it permissible in the United States to dispose of wastewater from sewage into waterways?
  • What health-related considerations relate to the use of recycled water? What level of processing is required for wastewater to be recycled? Describe some of the uses of recycled water.
  • Even though workers in professional occupations usually are not exposed directly to hazardous agents, they are prone to occupationally associated illnesses. What types of hazards and associated illnesses predominate in professional occupations? What interventions would you propose to mitigate these hazards?

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