
The future economic needs of the health care system

Prepare a 1,250 word paper explaining your position on national health care spending in
the United States. Include information on the following:
a. The level of current national healthcare expenditures
a. Whether the spending is too much or not enough
b. Where we, as a nation, should add or where we should cut, and why
c.Ø Prepare a 1,250 word paper explaining your position on national health care spending in
the United States. Include information on the following:
a. The level of current national healthcare expenditures
a. Whether the spending is too much or not enough
b. Where we, as a nation, should add or where we should cut, and why
c. How the health care needs of the general public are paid for, e.g. financed by the various payers and indicate the percentage of total health expenditures they represent.
Based on your position, provide a forecast of:
d. The future economic needs of the health care system
e. Why these needs have to be addressed
f. How you envision these needs will be financed

Based on your position, provide a forecast of:
d. The future economic needs of the health care system
e. Why these needs have to be addressed
f. How you envision these needs will be financed

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The future economic needs of the health care system
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