
Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry

Resource: How Assertive Are You? quiz in Ch. 6 of Communicating in the Workplace

Imagine you are a writer for a health care trade magazine. The editor has asked you to write next month’s editorial on interpersonal relationships in the health care industry. You need to do some preliminary research. As such, you have decided that you need to find answer to the following questions.

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Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry
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Include at least 2 academic credible references. You may use the textbook as one of the references. Include in text citations in your answers as needed. Provide reference citations at the end of the worksheet for all sources used in completing this worksheet.

Word Count Requirement: The 500 to 700 words total for answers to questions 1- 5. Note: The word count for each answer will vary. Some answers will be shorter; some will be longer.
What is effective communication?
(Definition needed)

Why are quality interpersonal relationships important, particularly in the health care?
a. What are the types of supportive and defensive relationships?

b. Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.
What does assertive style mean and why is it appropriate in a health care workplace?
What can others do to self-assess their assertiveness so they might make changes in their style to positively influence their health care workplace?

To answer this, you will need to complete the How Assertive Are You? quiz in Ch. 6 of Communicating in the Workplace

Then use your self-assessment as an example to answer this question.

Your answer:

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