
political theory paper

This paper is not supposed to be analytic papers and NOT opinion pieces or book reviews.  You are not simply to summarize readings or give your opinion about the readings but rather to provide an argument and take a position.  The student should be sure to provide a clear, concise, and coherent argument for the position they take and not engage in demagoguery or political activist grandstanding.  The reader will not care about the student’s political views or which positions s/he takes, but rather how well that position is argued. Finally, all papers should cite properly. APA or Chicago style is usually appropriate for the humanities and social sciences but any recognized style will do. It must be 8 pages.How does Aspirational Fascism inform American democracy? How would Foucault’s understanding of power and discipline help us understand the role of Aspirational Fascism in American society?In your essays consider the following: The U.S. is usually considered immune from the kinds of authoritarianism present in other parts of the world. Do you think this is the case? How do Foucault and Connolly speak to this issue? Do you think authoritarianism can be present in spheres that are not political (say, in the economic and cultural spheres)? Do you think Connolly has a point? How would you introduce Foucault’s notion of power to further elucidate or refute Connolly’s position?

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