
Summarize the significance of both historical and current factors that influence health and disease in developed international countries

Create a Public Health Timeline with country United States and Zimbabwe going back from 1914 

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Public Health Timeline

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Summarize the significance of both historical and current factors that influence health and disease in developed international countries
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Summarize the significance of both historical and current factors that influence health and disease in developed international countries and/or developing third world countries by creating a timeline that identifies the critical economic, socio-political, and cultural events that have shaped that country’s current health and disease status. Select one developed and one developing country (The United States and Zimbabwe) and plan to go back 100 years to the present. Go as far back as the year 1914.

You may select the format of your timeline (ppt, pdf, doc, etc), however, it must be agraphical representationthat displays each critical event, provides a short description of the event, and is presented in chronological order.

The purpose of this assignment is to comprehend the significance of the historical and current factors in proving how economic, sociopolitical, and cultural factors enhance or interfere with maintaining health of the global communities; you will also learn to differentiate how these factors are different among developed and underdeveloped global countries.

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