
Appraise strategies for obtaining the benefits and overcoming the challenges of implementing and using electronic health records.

In this Discussion, you appraise strategies for obtaining the benefits and overcoming the challenges of implementing and using electronic health records.

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Appraise strategies for obtaining the benefits and overcoming the challenges of implementing and using electronic health records.
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· Review the Learning Resources focusing on the implementation of EHRs in an organization. Reflect on the various approaches used. 

· If applicable, consider your own experiences with implementing EHRs. What were some positive aspects of the implementation? What suggestions would you make to improve the process?

· Reflect on the reactions of others during the implementation process. Were concerns handled effectively?

· If you have not had any experiences with an EHR implementation, talk to someone who has and get his or her feedback on the experience. 

· Search the Walden Library for examples of effective and poor implementation of EHRs.

Post an overview of at least three challenges in the implementation of electronic health records and provide an example of each challenge. Develop strategies for addressing each challenge based on what has been demonstrated to be successful. Cite your resources. 

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